Failing “Freedom” Foundation Dishonors First Responders, Calls Firefighters Liars

This week, the “Freedom” Foundation slid deeper into degeneracy as it blasted out deceptive “phishing” emails to firefighters about their union membership while downplaying the severity of the global pandemic. With these latest deplorable tactics, the fringe, right-wing organization has crept farther into the margins of decency, and closer to the dead-end of their already floundering mission.


These are not the first reports of the anti-worker “Freedom” Foundation harassing Washington’s first responders. Earlier this month, firefighters in Southwest Washington were badgered at their homes just because they are union members.

“Freedom” Foundation talking head Aaron Withe responded by accusing the firefighters of lying: “I believe they’re being dishonest about we’re contacting firefighters, because we’ve never done it.” Not surprisingly, it turns out Withe was the one doing the lying to an Oregon Public Broadcasting reporter, as reports came out today from King County Paramedics that their assault on first responders continues.

While Withe was busy lying to the press, his cohort Maxford Nelsen was busy debasing the memory of Washingtonians who have tragically died this year from COVID-19. By releasing a “report” downplaying the severity of COVID-19, they accomplished their goal of getting attention in right-wing conspiracy theory circles, a group that is, unfortunately, growing and mainstreaming. Nelsen, the so-called Labor Director at the “Freedom” Foundation, callously treated the deceased, and their mourning families, like chess pieces in a ploy for political attention. Nelsen was appropriately rebuked by Governor Jay Inslee as misguided and grotesque.

The “Freedom” Foundation has spent more than $20 million trying and failing to destroy unions on the West Coast so they can implement their extreme, right-wing agenda. These latest immoral tactics show just how low they’re willing to go to get their funders’ attention. Their continued disrespect for essential workers and the lives of fallen Washingtonians is a fitting explanation for why their mission here is in shambles.