Author: Accountable Northwest

Transparency Hypocrisy

The Freedom Foundation makes a lot of claims about supporting government transparency, but the truth […]

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Why is this extreme political group tax-exempt?

Our executive director, Peter Starzynski, wrote today in The Stand about how extreme, billionaire-backed groups like the […]

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judge hitting gavel on desk

Another Freedom Foundation Failure

Last week, the Freedom Foundation was handed another defeat in their failed attempt to destroy […]

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building exterior, Portland City Hall

Portland City Council Votes to Protect Workers from the Freedom Foundation

This week, the Portland City Council stood up for working people by voting unanimously to […]

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finger on doorbell

The Freedom Foundation is After Workers’ Personal Information Once Again

Working families in Oregon are under attack. An organization known as the Freedom Foundation is […]

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Another Defeat for the Oregon Branch of the Freedom Foundation

In the fall of 2015, the anti-worker Freedom Foundation moved across the river from Washington […]

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10 Questions We Have for the Freedom Foundation Now That We Know They Protest Labor Day

The Washington-based Freedom Foundation does a lot of bizarre things in their efforts to undermine […]

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The Freedom Foundation Has No Idea What’s Going On

UPDATE: After we published our blog post, the Freedom Foundation posted an update to theirs, […]

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