Freedom Foundation Uses Union’s Name in Signatory Line of Outreach Email

It’s been well documented by the Northwest Accountability Project that the anti-worker Freedom Foundation/Opt Out Today is one of the most dishonest organizations operating along the West Coast. There have been multiple reports of their staffers impersonating union staff and lying to public employees. More recently, in a desperate move to convince union members to drop their membership, they actually used the union’s name in the signatory line of an email, a likely case of fraudulent behavior in what appears to be an attempt to deceive workers about the identity of the sender.


Email from Freedom Foundation


This unethical and likely illegal action is the kind of thing that we have become accustomed to from the failing right-wing “think tank.” The Freedom Foundation has not delivered on their mission to destroy unions along the West Coast, despite spending more than $20 million dollars, and are desperate to appease their out-of-state billionaire funders.

In addition to these violations, the Freedom Foundation and their leadership have a long history of violating state and federal laws by abusing their non-profit tax-exempt status to push a partisan, political agenda. This past October, the Washington Attorney General called them a “repeat offender” of the state’s campaign finance laws.