Desperate for Attention, the Anti-Worker “Freedom” Foundation Joins the Deep State Conspiracy Club

On May 18, the Freedom Foundation publicly joined the cult of right-wing COVID-19 conspiracy theories by releasing a “study” that accuses Washington State of inflating deaths from the disease. Their claim joins the bandwagon of similar unsubstantiated cries from around the dark web, like seasoned conspiracy theorist David Icke, who also happens to believe the world is controlled by a cabal of “reptilian elites.”

Extremist QAnon enthusiasts have also welcomed the failed anti-union group’s accusation online, as it echoes their contention that this pandemic is really just a “Deep State” plot to damage Trump’s chance at re-election. (As if he’s not doing enough on his own.)

These pandemic conspiracies cooked up by attention-hungry zealots would be laughable if they weren’t also endangering lives. In their bid for approval from the right-wing conspiracy mob, the “Freedom” Foundation is dangerously downplaying the pandemic. Their deceptive message, sent from the safety of their home computers, shows utter disrespect for the essential workers who stayed on the job and paid the ultimate price while so many of us sheltered in place.

A correctional officer with over 17 years of experience at the Monroe Correctional Complex died May 17th due to complications from COVID-19.  In Oregon, where more than 500 health care workers have contracted COVID-19, a 30-year food service worker at OHSU hospital died from the disease. The danger in the workplace is real and present.

Governor Inslee and state agencies are working diligently to span the gap between public health and economic prosperity as our state gradually re-opens. When told about these latest accusations, Gov. Inslee dismissed them as misguided and grotesque:

“The problem is you’ve got some people out there who are fanning these conspiracy claims from the planet Pluto. And it’s just disgusting what they’re trying to say [with] all of this crazy Deep State malarkey [and] are trying to suggest that this is not a problem in our state. I find that hard to accept with the number of dead in our state.” 

The “Freedom” Foundation has spent more than $20 million trying and failing to destroy unions on the West Coast so they can implement their extreme, right-wing agenda. Now they’ve resorted to parroting conspiracy theories from extremist circles to attract press coverage, in hopes their billionaire benefactors keep sending checks. This is just their latest attempt at exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic. By spreading a dangerous hoax, the failing group is clearly disregarding the safety and welfare of workers in favor of the political agenda of a few billionaires. Shameful.